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BGR Volume 15

Bulletin of Glacier Research Publication No.15(July, 1997)



Formation processes of ice body revealed by the internal structure of perennial snow patches in Japan

K. Kawashima .................... 1

Glacier variations of Hielo Patagonico Norte, Chile, between 1944/45 and 1995/96

M. Aniya and Y. Wakao .................... 11


An outline of Russo-Japanese joint glacier research in Kamchatka, 1996

D. Kobayashi, Y. D. Muravyev, Y. Kodama and T. Shiraiwa .................... 19

Glaciological features of Koryto Glacier in the Kronotsky Peninsula, Kamchatka, Russia

T. Shiraiwa, Y. D. Muravyev, S. Yamaguchi, G. E. Glazirin,
Y. Kodama and T. Matsumoto .................... 27

Hydrometeorological features of Koryto glacier in the Kronotsky Peninsula, Kamchatka, Russia

Y. Kodama, T. Matsumoto, G. E. Glazirin, Y. D. Muravyev,
T. Shiraiwa and S. Yamaguchi .................... 37

Flow of Koryto Glacier in the Kronotsky Peninsula, Kamchatka, Russia

S. Yamaguchi, T. Shiraiwa, Y. D. Muravyev, G. E. Glazirin and R. Naruse .................... 47

Basic studies for assessing the impacts of the global warming on the Himalayan cryosphere, 1994-1996

M. Nakawo, K. Fujita, Y. Ageta, K. Shankar, A. P. Pokhrel and Yao T. .................... 53

Hydrodynamic effects on the basin expansion of Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake in the Nepal Himalaya

K. Chikita, T. Yamada, A. Sakai and R. P. Ghimire .................... 59

Meteorological observation in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas, 1996

K. Fujita, A. Sakai and T. B. Chhetri .................... 71

Water discharge from the Lirung Glacier in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas, 1996

A. Sakai, K. Fujita, T. Aoki, K. Asahi and M. Nakawo .................... 79

Effect of surface dust on snow melt

S. Adhikary, K. Seko, M. Nakawo, Y. Ageta and N. Miyazaki .................... 85

The quantitative evaluation of sublimation and the estimation of original hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of a firn core at East Queen Maud Land, Antarctica

H. Satake and K. Kawada .................... 93

Preliminary study on the shape of snow penitents at Piloto Glacier, the central Andes

R. Naruse and J. C. Leiva .................... 99
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